
2011年10月11日 星期二

Aphrodite "希臘愛情與熱情的女神"

分享~轉自 A&J

GIA Purplish Red "Aphrodite" from Argyle
澳洲Argyle 鑽石礦場一年產出全世界9%的粉紅鑽,但礦場裡產出的鑽石只有0.1%會是帶有粉色的鑽石。

所有的粉紅鑽裡最特別的就是"Aphrodite",獨特的顏色及濃度。 以"希臘愛情與熱情的女神"為命名。

紅色的鑽石也是所有粉色系的彩色鑽石裡最稀有及昂貴, 此顆鑽石是由 Dean Knoote 與 David Burger 共同切磨。  一般的鑽石切割邏輯只能切出0.94克拉的鑽石,但在這兩位大師多月的研究下終於切出1.01克拉 "Aphrodite"。

A clear hero stone is Aphrodite, with her intense and passionate colour. She was named as a tribute to the ‘Greek Goddess of Love and Passion’, and has been referred to as the best example of the finest Argyle pink diamond found in years.
To achieve a red certification escalates the rarity even beyond that of the pink gems.
The craftsmen from Argyle Pink Diamonds who worked on this stone were Dean Knoote and David Burger. They worked for many weeks examining the rough and then achieved a 1.01ct when diamond cutting logic estimated falling below the carat at 0.94ct. 

